LotLL - Sanctum of the Forgotten Vulpes

Face down on his large oaken wood desk, Marcus’ ruffled brown hair had grown in his years serving in the guard. Breathing was staggered. Eyes were closed. His mind raced with dreams of lives long past lived.

A quiet breeze tickled the curtains on the edge of the stone window he’d left open while he filed the paperwork for the arrest he had made earlier that day. Glowing soft white was a rough smoky quartz he’d imbued with ley-energy to shed light on his work.

Patter of rain pelted softly on the window pane to his right, stirring the tired man at his desk. Ink splotched black on his face as he slowly stirred to waking. Taking a deep breath, he took a look out the window. Lightning crackled in the distance with faint hints of thunder. A storm was approaching.

Yawning, he stretched his arms up in his chair. Staring down at the page was all he could do. Paperwork was his least favorite thing in the world. As he picked up the quill in defeat he felt something strange. A presence he hadn’t felt in some time. He’d been alone in his mind for over a year and suddenly it felt all too crowded.

Adrenaline began to inexplicably flow and his hand started to shake with quill gripped firmly. Without warning, he snapped the feather his good friend Sheamus had left him for his writing. There was only one reason he could become so angry so quickly.

Crashing thunder boomed so loudly it made him jump from his seat. Lightning crashed repeatedly, flashing like a strobe outside the window. The quartz on his desk flashed and burst into dozens of tiny crystal shards. Quartz stuck in his arms, legs, and even some in his face. Grunting in pain, he realized something truly terrible was happening.

A howl like he had never heard before came from outside. What he saw as he turned his gaze was unlike anything he’d ever seen. Rain had begun to fill the streets to the point of flooding. People flocked to their homes, while some were swept away by fierce waves rushing down from the stairways above. The city looked different, yet familiar.

Another howl echoed over the valley, followed by incessant cackling. The shriek of a young girl pierced his ears moments before he heard the gurgling of what he assumed to be blood. His body was shaking with adrenaline. He was feeling everything going on around him. Getting another good look at the street system, he realized he knew where he was.

“Bloody hell… This isn’t Freya… This is…”

Wind blasted him backwards as a beast larger than he’d ever seen flew past his window, shrieking with an intensity he knew only one creature could muster. It was a dragon.

His mind began to retreat and he knew this feeling well. His dreams were receding. Closing his eyes and doing everything he could to will himself awake, he was left shaking for a moment longer. Just long enough to hear the singular howl that had haunted his dreams so many times before.


Opening his eyes, Marcus was breathing heavily. His face was yet again planted in his paperwork. This time it was soaked with sweat and tears. Ink ran and splotched all over his face. Rubbing his eye was a mistake as he got ink in it immediately and causing him to recoil in pain. Thankfully he had a wash basin with a Ley-Crystal to fill it next to him.

He pushed a small lever on the basin and a small faucet began to flow crystal clear water. Putting his face down to the basin, he splashed furiously at his burning eye.

“Bugger all to hell! As if the dream wasn’t bad enough!”

After he had successfully purged the ink from his eye, he found a used towel that smelled somewhat musty. He couldn’t be too picky though. As he patted down his face he felt something brush up against his leg. His heart skipped a beat. He realized his mind still felt crowded.

The Blademaster faded in and out of his life. Seemingly only at points where it was in… it’s best interest. He’d learned to live with it for the most part. It didn’t whisper much to him much in his older age. Taking the towel off his face, he looked down to find nothing.

Though he did realize he actually wasn’t alone in his office. His good friend Kim was standing in the door with a very strange look on his pale and chiseled face. Short bleach-blonde hair only made his pale complexion from working in the sun all day stranger. Though Marcus knew his lacking physique was only because he’s a necromancer.

“You ok there boss? That seemed pretty rough.”

Shaking his head, Marcus took a deep breath.

“Honestly? Not really. I have plenty of strange dreams but… That one was nothing like I’d ever seen.”

Kim’s eyes grew dim and he looked like he was about to cry. Something was clearly bothering him and that was strange for Marcus to see. Kim was always happy go lucky.

“Oy, mate. You look like you’re not doin’ so hot either.”

Tears began to stream from his eyes and he rushed to Marcus to hug him.

“This night just keeps getting stranger and stranger. Kim.”

Sobbing uncontrollably was the only answer he could get.

He feels it too.

Sighing and rolling his eyes, Marcus admitted defeat. The universe often liked to throw at him more than he cared to handle at once.

“Alright. I’ll bite.”

Kim gazed up at him strangely through puffy eyes.

“Oh, Blademaster’s back and feels like puttin’ in his two cents. Cause y’know. I don’t have enough goin’ on eh?”

Smiling was all he could do. In truth the ludicrousness of smiling during such strange times did make him feel slightly better. Pulling himself away, Kim brushed his robes off and attempted to gain his composure. Patting his face and making his way over to the wash basin.

“Right. So, as you can tell, I’m quite overcome with emotion. Not something that happens to me often. Not since… Well, you know.”

Releasing the drain on the basin, he turned the faucet back on and splashed his face with fresh cold water. Marcus made his way back to his chair and assessed the paperwork he had completely destroyed. Looks like he’d have to start over again.

“But it’s not just that. I keep seeing something so incredibly strange. In all my years here I’ve never once seen a fox in the Freyan valley before today, and it was a black fox no less! Then, as soon as I saw it, I just started to feel utterly depressed.”

Standing from his chair, Marcus hefted the sword he’d recently been gifted in his travels across Dorana. It’s ornate steel hilt held an emerald at the bottom, with a ruby joining the runed blade and hilt together. Tossing the brown sheath over his shoulder, he also fidgeted with the lacquered willow bracelet he kept on his wrist.

“Come, I need some air.”

Opening the wooden door let through a blast of cool air from the hallway into the barracks. Kim made his way out of the room. Something brushed up against Marcus’ leg again. It felt like a dog’s tail. He knew exactly what it was when Kim started crying again.

It didn’t take long for him to spot the black fox Kim had spoken of. Kim pointed at it and attempted to make some form of cohesive sentence to no avail. His emotions had gripped him completely.

“Alright mate, clearly you need a moment. Stay here, alright?”

Kim shook his head furiously through frenzied sobs.

“No! No no no!”

Marcus patted him on the head lightly.

“Whatever floats your goat mate.”

The hallway gave way to cold stone and red carpets. Ornate tapestries and displays of armor and weapons in traditional knight’s barracks fashion. Lights of imbued crystal hung from the ceiling, illuminating the stark contrast between the black fox and the red carpet it sat expectantly on waiting for Marcus.

He stared directly into the eyes of the fox. He felt nothing.

“Alright, well it doesn’t seem to do me in like it does you. What do you suppose it wants?”

Marcus turned back and realized the folly of asking questions of Kim. He may be along for the ride, but talking probably isn’t going to be reasonable for him.

“Right. Let’s go.”

As Marcus began to make it’s way towards the fox, it sat and stared at him intently. It wasn’t particularly afraid of him. In fact, it didn’t seem to feel much about Marcus’ presence. At least until Marcus was right up next to it. Then it rubbed against his leg and began to trot off toward the royal quarters.

Kim continued to follow while sobbing quietly, often times having to grab Marcus’ tunic to keep himself walking straight. The fox didn’t lead them far. It lead them to a dead end in the castle’s design that had never stuck out to Marcus until now. A hallway with no rooms on either side. The way the castle had been built simply meant the architecture hadn’t made use of entrances on either side of those walls.

But in hindsight that now seemed terribly strange. Especially considering how ornately this hallway had been decorated. It was especially amplified by the sight of a massive ornate stone door Marcus had never seen before, and he patrolled the entire castle once a week.

Carved into the door was the sight of a kingdom Marcus had only seen once before and only for a brief moment. Lake Bunyip held a secret past. It was the final resting place of an entire kingdom. One that left no trace to modern society save an imprint upon the Ley-Line that had nearly faded. It only manifested itself once every four years in the form of a very short-lived natural phenomenon.

The kingdom he saw through his terrifying dream seemed awfully familiar to the one he glimpsed at the bottom of Lake Bunyip. Now he saw another glimpse in the form of intricate stone carvings.

Come, oh harbinger of a thousand lives. Know the story of Bragi. Lest it be forgotten to the foul rain that drowned the light of countless souls.

The fox spun in place and darted into the door, prompting it to come bursting open to nothing but blackness. A wild wind began to blow at Marcus’ back with streaks of dark corrupted ley-energy flowing by. It was so fierce it began to pull him in towards the door. Kim fell to his knees in tears, completely crippled by his own emotions. Marcus realized it was doing more than beckoning him.

It was summoning him, and it didn’t look like it was taking no for an answer. Willing ley-energy to the bracelet on his wrist, he popped it off and watched as it bent and gnarled and grew. It turned it’s form into that of a bow, while a red burst of energy materialized a string taught perfectly. Something told him he was in for a fight.

No hesitation in his heart, he walked his way calmly to the door. Looking back at Kim, who peered at him for a moment, Marcus smiled.

“I’ll be back, mate.”

Taking his last few steps into the door, he disappeared into the darkness. Kim sat up in disbelief as his friend walked steadfast into a solid stone wall.

LotLL - Pilgrimage Of The Blademaster

Setting his feet onto the cold stone brick, Marcus cursed his old age. When he was younger this sort of trek would have been nothing to him. Now, he questions whether he truly had the physical acuity to endure the entire pilgrimage he was being commanded to take.

Biting wind blew at his face, lessened only by the cotton scarf he’d wrapped around his head for warmth. His tunic and chain mail were insulated with an elastic material that contoured to his skin. A small crystal glowed red amidst the tiny flakes of snow that amassed so quickly they blotted out the valley beyond the mountain ridge.

Though this was not his first time ascending a mountain ruin, it was his first time doing so at the behest of a voice in his head. A brick path led him winding up and around the cliff face. Small walkways that would normally be slippery were no challenge to the spikes on his boots.

“Why on earth did you do this once, let alone multiple times?!”

An image of a brown man clad in ornate golden royal armor appeared in his minds eye. Followed by a tan woman with eyes that shone with ferocity. Lastly, the image of a brutish pale man smirking. That was Aric.

If you’re going to harness my power, I need to know that you’re capable of handling it. This pilgrimage was designed to test your wits, your endurance, and your tenacity. Strength and brutality may have been Aric’s benefits, but you’re much more well rounded. I like knowing you’re willing to play my game to prove you’re capable of my presence.

Shaking his head, Marcus couldn’t believe it for a second. Marcus had met the Blademaster when he was just thirteen in Aric’s tomb. There’s no way he would keep this pilgrimage until now for no reason.

“I call bullshit. I peaked out my body long ago. I feel like you would’a had me do this rigmarole then unless you needed something on the other end of it. What’s your angle?”

A moment passed in silence as the image of Aric disappeared. Marcus knew he very well could be working towards losing what little bit of control he had over this wretched demon inside his head.

This is what I like about you Marcus. You refuse to play the victim when you have any say in the matter.

A force gripped Marcus’ mind like never before. He knew this supposed partnership would end in possession eventually. He just didn’t know when. Or what to do when it happened. He kept walking the trail the same as he had been without missing a beat. The Blademaster knew how to mimic him perfectly.

But let me make it very clear to you: You don’t have a say in the matter. At all. I play along with you living your life because I’ve had many lives. Why not give you your free will and see what you can do with it?

He felt the otherworldly grip on his mind loosen and he was his own man again. Clenching his fists, he punched the wall next to him and shouted at the top of his lungs.


His voice echoed and boomed with magical energy, sending a concussive shock wave that could be heard for miles around.

Are you mad?! You could-

Marcus wouldn’t allow him to finish.

“Start an avalanche? Yeah. They’d never find my body. Which means your royal pawn is no more and where would your agenda be then, eh?”

Moving his feet forward, he heard the rumbling of snow falling above him. An avalanche had indeed been triggered.

What now, boy?

Chuckling to himself, Marcus motioned to the wall next to him and drew a door with his hand. Glowing red, an outline appeared and the rocky cliff side was replaced with a stone door. Turning the handle, Marcus walked nonchalantly inside an open room carved cleanly from the rock inside the mountain. In the middle of the room lay a glowing white quartz to illuminate the freshly formed shelter.

“Wait it out in relative safety. Play nice, boyo. Don’t think I don’t know you have a reason to be here.”

Marcus felt a pang of anger. He had successfully shown the Blademaster they were on a relatively even playing field. For now.

LotLL - Stoking The Fire

Searching through his tunic for his gem purse, Marcus frantically tried to remember where it could have gone to. The sword he was entrusted with from the Freyan Guard Academy needed to be sharpened. Even though he wasn't particularly thrilled about being enrolled in the Guard against his will, his father thought it would be the best way to keep him from trouble.

The burly blacksmith rolled his eyes and turned around to continue sharpening another student's blade.

“Tell me if ye find it son. If not, then I gotta keep it 'ere til ya do.”

Where could it possibly have gone? He had just had it after leaving his house. Could he have gotten pick-pocketed? His memory was a bit shaky from the nerves of ceremonies tomorrow. Although he did remember running into that cute girl on the way here... Could she have swindled him? He was pretty distracted, and a good thief can spot that a mile away.

As he pondered what may have happened, a chime came from the bell above the door as another customer came barging in.

“Hey Padraig! I got your money!”

Marcus recognized that voice. It was the same girl from earlier. Keeping his cool he looked away towards the shield rack stacked behind the counter. She walked quickly up to the counter next to him and leaned over it, poking the blacksmith in the back.

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LotLL - The Echo Frequency

Kim loved the smell of libraries. Books always reminded him of easier times. At least when reading didn't come with strange consequences. Texts laid on the table were open in various places, lit from the dim white light of the large crystal chandelier in the middle of the five story library. Kim was studying on the second level near volumes of encyclopedias filled with studies on Ley-Line energies and how attunement effects the level of efficacy in spells.

Off to his left a group of students walked by dressed in plain black robes. One girl in particular stood out with gold embroidering of a raven on the front. Long black hair flowed behind her head like a silk waterfall. Something about this girl intrigued Kim. Pulling on the ley-energy around him lightly, he enhanced his sense of hearing to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“This is really risky guys. We have no idea how a ritual like that could effect the Ley-Network.”

The guys all chuckled uncomfortably except for one. A loud mouth young man with a buzzed haircut and a smell of hubris Kim didn't need to enhance his senses to pick up.

“Yet what if it's successful? We would be stars of the academy!”

The girl crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow. Kim went and sat back at his table of books, pretending to be oblivious to the group.

“Or we could shut down the ley-grid for the entire city for months to come. Is that worth it for notoriety?”

The man laughed and patted her lightly on the arm.

“Absolutely! What do I care? My family's got entire storage rooms full of charged crystals. It wouldn't really effect me much at all!”

Sighing and putting her face in her palm, she shook her head.

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LotLL - Lessons from a Sellsword

The smell of burning hickory and meat clashed with the clean moisture of the river. An army of invisible crickets and frogs sang an unending quiet song as Marcus sat on a rocky outcropping near a river. A simple looking wooden bow slung behind him resting on stone.

Rustling of leaves betrayed the movement of a rather large man trying desperately to push through the brush. Cursing under his breath, he finally broke through the line of pines and ruffage that lay a handful of meters from the river's edge.

“Bloody fine place you picked to relax. Food's ready ya emo bastard.”

Marcus turned only his head towards Carney. The slow whisper of water flowing made it easier to deal with looking at an enemy who became a friend within a matter of hours.

“Not sure if I'm hungry.”

Carney brushed his hand over his bald head and gave a disapproving snort. Stepping down with ease from the wooded outcropping, he found it hard to get a proper foothold on the loose rocks being nearly eight feet tall. The fact that he was wearing a simple sleeveless tunic and shorts didn't help his trek through the woods, and his sandals are betraying him on uneven ground. Not the sharpest sword in the barracks, but not someone you want to underestimate either.

“Don't give me that crap boyo. Ye haven't eaten since the border skirmish. That was three days ago.”

Carney managed to slowly make his way over to wobble on a stone just behind Marcus.

“Carney, I've got bigger things on my mind. I'm not worried about nourishment. I'm worried about leaving a border completely unde-”

Carney shouted with such force it caused the crickets and frogs to still in fear. Marcus was more shocked at the interruption.

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LotLL - Kim's Corruption

Kim sat in the oak chair he had relished so many nights reading in front of a fire. A small layer of sand spilled through beneath the rustic wooden door, as candle light flickered beneath the ornate obsidian interior. It had been days since the torrent of sand had stranded everyone in the city in their homes.

Holding a bottle of gin he had been saving for a special occasion, he scratched at the armrest in deep thought. Mumbled words burst forth as his eyes darted back and forth. A book sat in his lap, brown with golden binding. There was no name to the strange scripture he had stumbled on in his library.

For years Kim had been a book collector, spending his time crossing the expanse of the Tyrianian Empire for the rarest volumes he could find. This one he had stumbled upon from a traveling adventurer who sought to pawn it after finding it in a lost tomb.

“How could it be? Just from reading it? That's... no... Not really. Can't believe that at all.”

Mumbling continued as Kim's mind raced with strange visions of distant past lives. An eery silence had fallen over his humble abode. All he could think about was the words he had read out of boredom. It didn't take long for him to finish the entire volume. At first he didn't know really what it was talking about. There were diagrams and charts.

Pictures of human anatomy, brain structure, and even speculation on how the nervous system interacts with Ley-Line energy. There were ideas Kim had never thought of before. Musings on life and death, and how you can't have one without the other. Much of the book was incredibly intriguing philosophically. Yet there was one detail that bothered him.

Something Kim couldn't shake about the last page. He had word of power within words, but nothing like this. Opening the book again, he slowly opened it to the last page.

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